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Resident Interaction Notes

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Interaction Notes

For tracking information on interacting with residents.

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Resident Name
Please enter a number from 1700 to 33000.
Please make every effort to get an up to date email address.
About Lawn Signs.
Check all that apply
Pam & Co Sign Status
Conversation with resident.
Check all that apply.
Voting Status

Voting Information

Intends to Vote or Already Voted For
Either choose a radio button, or put specific values for each candidate in the next question.

Please enter a number from 0 to 5.
Please enter a number from 0 to 5.
Please enter a number from 0 to 5.
Please enter a number from 0 to 5.
Please enter a number from 0 to 5.
Please enter a number from 0 to 5.
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Note: Too many votes total. Only 5 votes per household.

Do you have new resident info (additional email, phone, or comments)?

Additional Resident Info

Use the email field above for the primary email, and this field for an additional email address the resident requested.
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