Keith Honig
Mark Teitelbaum
Steve Kerman
for Three Springs HOA Board of Directors
Why do we care?
You are our neighbors, and Three Springs is our home. For three years, we have undertaken projects on behalf of Three Springs homeowners, such as the Firewise certification and the CC&R updates, fixes and improvements. We believe these benefit our community in so many ways. We are asking for one more year to finish these key efforts. We care, and we ask for your votes.
Why should you care?
The simple truth is, with very little common property and state and federal laws in place, Three Springs HOA shouldn’t require much to run. “Shouldn’t” and “real world” don’t always align, but they can.
To have a neighborly community, without drama, that avoids homeowner liability while preserving your rights … we simply need to bring our HOA up to current “best practices” with basic fundamentals in place. That’s not just our opinion, it’s the opinion of the professionals.
Time to finish the tasks at hand.
There are four principles on which we (Mark, Steve & Keith) originally ran for the HOA Board. We still strongly believe they impact and benefit every homeowner:
- Stopping those who intrude on other Three Springs homes, looking for infractions and issuing fines.Stopping those who intrude on other Three Springs homes, looking for infractions and issuing fines.
- Updating the HOA’s CC&Rs and By-laws.
- Eliminating the current financial liability exposure for all of us (saving you from having to write a check for up to $10,000).
- Continuing to responsibly manage the budget. As your board officers, we are proud of all we’ve accomplished for Three Springs over the past 3 years.
Now, we need your votes so that we can continue this important work on your behalf.
We need your support.
Please use ALL five of your votes across the three of us (Teitelbaum, Kerman, and Honig).
We need your support.
Please use ALL five of your votes across these three candidates.
Each home has FIVE votes to cast. We ask you to cast 2 votes to one of us, 2 votes to another, and 1 vote to the third… in any order you prefer.
Vision, Issues, & Values
Mark, Steve & Keith are ALL long time Three Springs residents who cherish this community and want to preserve its appeal – and property values – for both current and future homeowners. They believe the best way to accomplish this is by:
Cultivating a more neighborly culture
Prior to Mark, Keith, and more recently Steve joining the Board, many homeowners experienced highly restrictive and even punitive oversight. There was a widespread pattern of overzealous policing, often on trivial matters. There are countless examples of the Board imposing their personal tastes on homeowners. Selective enforcement of rules was the norm, and any reasonable standard of neighborliness didn’t exist.
Mark, Steve and Keith have always believed there is a better way for our Board to deal with neighbors and were elected on a platform of creating a more neighborly Three Springs. Just ask the more than 150 homeowners who submitted architectural applications over the last two years.
Updating governing documents
Our HOA’s CC&Rs were written over 40 years ago by the original developer of the neighborhood — drafted primarily for the protection of the developer, not the residents. As a result, our CC&Rs contain a significant amount of irrelevant and antiquated rules and restrictions. With Mark, Steve and Keith’s votes, the Board has initiated the process of reviewing all of our governing documents to:
- Comply with current federal, state and local laws and regulations
- Remove portions which are irrelevant or antiquated
- Special assessments for children living in your residence
- Garages can ONLY be used to house cars
- You’re limited on the number of guests you’re allowed to have in your home
- No parking cars on your own driveway
- Clarify language that is vague, causing unnecessary homeowner headaches and creating HOA liability exposure.
We firmly believe that updated Governing Documents will ensure a more peaceful neighborhood AND help maintain our property values.
Eliminating unnecessary homeowner liability and financial exposure
The HOA’s attorneys have pointed out that – as currently written – our CC&Rs expose homeowners to potential liabilities which put homeowners at significant financial risk, let alone impact on property values. This can only be avoided by updating our governing documents.
The Challenge
It’s Your Choice
While Mark, Steve and Keith’s visions for Three Springs are transparent and straightforward, they are unfortunately not shared by everyone. Current board members Pam Johnson and Mark Grossman have been resistant in implementing changes. They view violation enforcement as a necessary first line measure to garner adherence to current rules.
Mark, Steve and Keith have the demonstrated experience, personal commitment, fiscal understanding, and positive working relationships with both the City of Westlake Village and the HOA’s own general counsel to keep us moving forward.
Other candidates want to stifle progress, allowing your liability exposure to continue, and keep us in the past.
We Can’t Do It Without You
In order to put these fundamentals in place, it takes maintaining the majority that all three of the collaborative incumbents represent.
That is why it is important to re-elect all three of our candidates. Please cast ALL five of your votes for Mark, Steve, and Keith, allocated as you wish. (Note: You may vote for a candidate more than once).
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